Why is sun safety for kids & their eyes important?

You’ll do anything to protect your children from harm, but does this include providing them with enough sun protection for their eyes? UV sun rays can be more damaging to their eyes than you might realize, so it’s important to ensure your kids have adequate protection. We’ll break down just how UV protection sunglasses can prevent them from having eye problems in the future.

About UV radiation

About UV radiation

The sun emits not only light and heat but also ultraviolet (UV) radiation that is invisible to the naked eye. There are 3 types of UV rays, known as UVA, UVB, and UVC, and they all have different effects. UVC rays are the most dangerous to our eyes, but luckily, the earth’s protective ozone layer absorbs them. However, UVA and UVB rays both penetrate through the ozone layer and can reach our eyes, so we need to protect against them.

UVA rays can pass through the eye to the retina at the back, and over time, exposure can cause damage and lead to a higher risk of developing conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. On the other hand, UVB rays can affect the cornea at the front of the eye, causing photokeratitis, the equivalent of eye sunburn, among other conditions that can cause sun damage to eyes.

Why are children’s eyes more at risk of UV damage?

children’s eyes at risk of UV damage

Children are a lot more sensitive to UV rays than adults. Their eyes are still developing, meaning the pupils are larger and the lenses are clearer, so more of those harmful rays can get through.

The lens in a child’s eye allows 70% more UV rays to enter than an adult. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that this, along with children tending to spend more time outdoors playing, could cause a significant amount of UV damage. In fact, most lifetime UV exposure will occur before a child turns 18 on average.

Sun safety for kids’ eyes – the best tips

Sun safety for kids’ eyes

So, what can you do to protect your little one’s eyes? We have some great tips to get you started!

First, you should teach them never to look directly at the sun from as early on as possible. You can also encourage them to find shady areas to play in if they spot any.

Wearing sun protection is arguably the most important part of blocking out harmful UV rays. Good quality sunglasses that offer 100% UVA and UVB protection are essential when outside all year round.

We have a carefully curated wide selection of kids’ sunglasses available in our office. We’ve taken the time to source durable and comfortable frames in styles that your kids will love to wear. Alongside this, wearing a hat for extra coverage is also a great idea.

You should try to note the UV index on the weather report for the day and avoid outdoor playtime when it is high. Remember that reflective surfaces like water can cause glare and enhance UV radiation. The sun is usually at its strongest around midday, so arranging outdoor time for earlier or later in the day can help.

Get in touch with our experts

If you need more advice, would like to purchase sunglasses for your child, or have any concerns about your child’s vision, contact us and arrange to visit our pediatric optometrist in Quincy, IL.