Eye Health Services

Comprehensive Eye Exams

There are two parts to every eye exam. First, doctor will find the prescription, looking for changes that will make the individual see better. Second, and most important, is when your doctor carefully examines the structure of the eye looking for eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

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Pediatric Eye Care

Taking your child for a comprehensive eye exam is critically important in the prevention of life long eye conditions. According to the American Optometric Association, a child should have an eye exam at 6 months, 3 years, and it is state law before Kindergarten. Specifically, diagnosing amblyopia, lazy eye, before the age of 5 is extremely important for the long term success of the child. The majority of a child's learning is done through their eyesight. Let us protect God's greatest gift to you.

Contact Lens Exam

Technology continues to improve with medical devices, and contact lenses are now available for almost anyone. However, contact lenses are a luxury item that rest on the front window of the eye, called the cornea. During the cornea health evaluation, your doctor will examine all aspects of the eye, determining if the eye is having damage stemming from wearing of the contact lenses.

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Diabetic Retinopathy

Dr. Kvitle is specifically trained to recognize the early onset of diabetic changes in the back of the eye. If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, you could be at risk of losing our most precious sense, one's eye sight. Diabetic retinopathy is the number one cause for loss of vision in patients.


There are two parts to every eye exam. First, doctor will find the prescription, looking for changes that will make the individual see better. Second, and most important, is when doctor carefully exams the structures of the eye looking for eye disease such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

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Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is a term that encompasses many different forms of central vision loss. The most common form of macular degeneration mainly affects those over 60. This form is called Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD). Age- Related Macular Degeneration comes in two forms, “dry” ARMD and “wet” ARMD.

During Dr. Kvitle’s 21-point eye exam, he will be utilizing state of the art Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for imaging, which is the gold standard for the management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration, while dilating the eye searching for the earliest warning signs that progression is about to occur.


Cataracts are the crystalline lens inside of the eye that starts to get cloudy over time. Each persons cataracts will start to get cloudy at different times in their life. The cataract can be removed by a cataract surgeon where he will put in a new lens with the correct prescription. There is a standard implant and there is also an option for an upgraded implant. Dr. Kvitle will refer his patients to a cataract surgeon, however he does all of the pre and post op care for his patients.


Urgent Eye Care

Kvitle Eyecare Associates are available for all of your emergency eyecare needs. Services include treatment of pink eye, foreign body material treatment and removal, wielding flashes, chemical burns and sudden loss of vision. For urgent appointments please call our office directly.